Supportive Housing & Assistance
Based on the Love and Wisdom of Jesus Christ
Journey Home is focused on individuals who are committed to changing their life.
Our goal is to provide struggling people in our community with a hand up, not a hand out.
Intellectually - helping people who have a desire to achieve more.
Physically - supporting people in making healthy decisions.
Socially - facilitating togetherness to develop belonging and security.
Emotionally - supporting people through self-worth.
Financially - assisting in developing employable skills and budgeting.
Spiritually - providing opportunities to encounter God's love and presence.
Journey Home aims
to provide for the whole person…
How is Journey Home different?
We believe in loving unconditionally and supporting all individuals on their journey with Christ.
We support people to make informed choices.
We believe choice brings the potential to create positive and negative learning experiences that contribute to growth.
We believe everyone deserves respectful support so they can reach their personal and spiritual goals.
We do not discontinue support after a determined amount of time.
We coach individuals in implementing a plan for personal responsibility and self-sustainment.
We aim to continue supporting individuals until a sustainable plan is in place and practiced, with multiple supports.
We believe people don’t need to “prepare” for life, they simply need to live their life.
We view all people as valuable and worthwhile. YOU matter!